Monday, March 4, 2013

Biology of a lobster

What are a lobsters antennas used for ?
Lobsters have three sets of antennas. They have one large pair and two small pairs. The large pair is used for touching and feeling to help the lobster move throughout its environment. The other two pairs detect chemicals and odors to aid with finding food and hunting

What do lobsters see with their eyes?
Lobsters can not see very well. Lobsters can not see color nor can they see clear images. Their eyes are very sensitive to light, so they can detect shadows very well and this allows them to find their pray easily .

What is the difference between the two claws?
Lobsters have a crusher claw and a cutting claw. The crusher claw is the bigger/stronger of the two. It has a few bigger teeth on it and is used to break the shell of its prey. The cutting claw is smaller and has many small teeth on it. This claw is sharper and is used to tear through its preys flesh and pull out the meat. This claw can be moved easily allowing the lobster to catch fast moving prey.

How do lobsters reproduce?
Lobsters reproduce sexually. The male lobster transfers the sperm to the female and the eggs are fertilized. The female carries the eggs around with her until they hatch.

New-born lobsters will float near the surface for about 4-6 weeks. For every 50,000 eggs only 2 are expected to survive. The ones that survive then begin to sink down and hide in-between rocks and grassy areas. As the lobster grows they begin to hide less and explore.

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