How much does it cost a day for a lobsterman to go out?
On average it cost about $400 a day for a lobster boat to go out. This is with just fuel, bait, and a deck hand. This is roughly $2000 a week. Lobsterman say that the price of fuel, bait, and equipment are going up, but the only thing not going up is the price of lobster. Over the past ten years lobster has only gone up 20 cents.
What is the annual salary of a lobsterman?
Lobsterman catch about 1000 pounds a day. Before all the expenses that's worth anywhere from $130,000 - $200,000 a year in sales. $25,000 -$45,000 for an average annual salary.
Estimated state economic impact = $246,000,000
Gross income for lobstermen is approximately
Lobster fishery is Massachusetts’ most valuable state waters single species marine resource and fishery.
1531 licensed commercial harvesters and 8,000 recreational lobster permits for trapping and 4,000 recreational licenses for divers
52 lobstering ports in Massachusetts
506,000 traps fished by Massachusetts lobstermen in 2002
1999—Largest U. S. lobster landings on record at 87,420,414 pounds, valued at $322,754,058
U.S. Exports = $315,889,000 in 2003
There are over 25,000 lobster licenses issued in the
U.S. each year
American lobster is ranked third on the seafood export list for U.S. fresh/frozen fishery products (behind #1 surimi and #2 salmon)
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